Luis Alvarez

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


I am an Associate at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the Surveillance Systems group. I completed my S.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics (2016) at MIT, and B.S. in Aerospace Engineering as well as a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2013) at the University of Florida.

My research interests are on algorithms and analytic methods for decision making under uncertainty. Of particular interest are unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), air traffic control systems, electric aircraft power generation, and decentralized multi-platform operations.


My current research is focused on the development of the family of next generation aircraft collision avoidance system ACAS X for both manned and unmanned aircraft. The system uses advances in dynamic programming to construct a statistical representation of the airspace while in operation. The system takes into account both operational and safety objectives to provide pilots with guidance to avoid mid-air collisions. I also support the RTCA SC-147 committee as part of the NextGen development and certification of ACAS X.

In addition, I develop and maintain simulation capabilities for supercomputer analysis of radar track observations in the National Airspace System and develop novel methods for small UAS collision avoidance systems.


  • Air Traffic Systems
  • Active/Passive Surveillance Collision Avoidance
  • UAS System Architecture